Rebuild Your Smile with Dental Implants

Rebuild Your Smile With Dental Implants

A warm smile puts everyone at ease, but if you aren't confident showing yours it might be time for a fix up. At McMullin Dental Care in Monroe, MI, dentist Maria McMullin is waiting to help you achieve your best grin, and dental implants might be the best option for you.

What are dental implants?

A dental implant is a post which screws into your jawline to create a permanent support for an artificial tooth. Through an incision in your gums, your Monroe, MI dentist will put the implant in place, and as the bone grows around the post it will become secure. An artificial tooth, colored and shaped to blend in with your natural teeth, will be placed on top and remain permanently in place.

What are the advantages of dental implants?

If your teeth have seen better days, dental implants are a great alternative to dentures. Dental implants can replace missing teeth. You don't have to worry about removing them for cleaning or sleeping, and they are inconspicuous. No one will be able to tell your dental implants from your original teeth.

Are dental implants hard to care for?

Dental implants are much easier to take care of than dentures, just brush, floss and rinse like normal. Caring for your implant will be no harder than caring for your original teeth.

If you are considering dental implants, set up a consultation with McMullin Dental Care in Monroe, MI today. Just call 734-241-5115.

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