Your Tooth Replacement Options

When it comes to treating tooth loss, you have options! 

After losing one or more teeth, the first thing on any patient’s mind is, “How should I go about treating this issue?” There are many options from which to choose, which can be confusing. Which one is the right one for you? What tooth replacement will fit your needs and lifestyle? These are questions that our Monroe, MI, dentist Dr. Maria McMullin is more than happy to answer during a free consultation. Contact McMullin Dental Care for your scheduling needs.

Wondering what your options are for replacing missing teeth? Here are some of the top treatment options we offer.


Dentures are a set of removable false teeth that can either be used to replace all of your teeth (complete dentures) or some of your teeth (partial dentures). Partial dentures are held in place through clasps or attachments that connect to neighboring teeth. Complete dentures rely on natural suction (and sometimes dental adhesives) to hold the teeth in place. Dentures are also custom-fitted to your mouth to provide a superior fit.

Dentures are a perfect solution for patients who are:

  • On a budget.
  • Looking for a fast and simple way to replace missing teeth.
  • Not interested in undergoing surgery to replace their teeth.
  • Dealing with extensive tooth loss (missing several or all of their teeth).

Dental Bridges

A bridge is designed to fill gaps in your smile. If you choose to get a fixed dental bridge, our dentist will place dental crowns over natural teeth to support the false teeth that will fill the gaps.

Dental bridges work best for people who: 

  • Are missing one or two teeth in a row.
  • Have healthy natural teeth that can support dental crowns and bridges.
  • Need to replace teeth that are necessary for proper chewing.

Dental Implants

Implants replace the roots of your missing tooth. To do this, our Monroe, MI, restorative dentist will need to surgically place the implant into the jawbone, where it will keep the bone healthy and strong. The bone and implant will fuse permanently, making the implant a lifelong structure from which to support one or more false teeth.

Consider getting a dental implant from your Monroe, MI, dentist if you are:

  • Dedicated to a longer treatment process to reap the rewards of a long-term restoration.
  • Healthy enough to undergo surgery.
  • Not a smoker.
  • Looking for the next best thing to natural teeth.
  • Looking for a long-term restoration that feels and functions like a natural tooth.

If you would like to sit down with Dr. Maria McMullin and discuss whether dental implants, dentures, or bridges could improve your smile, call McMullin Dental Care in Monroe, MI, today at (734) 241-5115 to schedule a consultation.

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