Do I Qualify for Invisalign?

Why Invisalign from your dentist in Monroe, Michigan is the right choice for you.

You’ve probably heard about Invisalign. After all, it’s one of the most popular orthodontic treatments available today. You may be wondering if you qualify for Invisalign. The good news is, Invisalign is a great choice for just about everyone who wants a straight smile.

Dr. Maria McMullin at McMullin Dental Care in Monroe, Michigan offers a wide selection of dental care services, including Invisalign, to give you the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.

You qualify for Invisalign orthodontic treatment if you have:

  • An underbite or overbite
  • An open bite or crossbite
  • Rotated, crowded teeth
  • Gaps between your teeth or overlapping teeth

Invisalign treatment offers some amazing benefits, which is another reason why Invisalign is the right choice for you. Consider that Invisalign treatment is:

  • Discreet, because the appliances are clear and virtually undetectable to people around you
  • Comfortable, because the appliances are smooth plastic, with no sharp parts to irritate your soft tissue
  • Fast, because Invisalign treatment can be complete in as little as 9 to 15 months
  • Healthy, because you can remove the appliances to brush and floss your teeth normally

Invisalign treatment begins when you receive your first set of appliances, which are known as aligners. You wear the aligners for 2 weeks, and then move on to a new set of aligners. You wear these for another 2 week period. You progress to a new set of aligners every 2 weeks, as your teeth gradually move into the correct position. You will visit Dr. McMullin every month or so, so she can monitor your progress.

You can have a straight smile quickly, easily, and discreetly, thanks to Invisalign. To find out if you qualify for Invisalign, talk with an expert. Talk with Dr. McMullin. Call Dr. Maria McMullin of McMullin Dental Care in Monroe, Michigan at (734) 241-5115. Call today, and get started on your beautiful, straight smile with Invisalign.

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