Fix Gap and Misaligned Teeth

Dealing with crooked, misaligned, or gapped teeth doesn’t only affect the aesthetics of your smile but can make it harder to keep your smile clean and free of any plaque that can decay and damage. Invisalign is a great solution to discreetly straighten your smile and help make your teeth easier to care for in the long run. Dr. Maria McMullin at McMullin Dental Care in Monroe, MI, can help explain how Invisalign can help keep your smile healthy for years to come.

Straighten Your Smile with Invisalign

It may feel overwhelming to deal with a crooked or misaligned smile and you may feel the need to hide your smile. Invisalign from your dentist in Monroe, MI, can help straighten your smile and push your teeth into their correct positions so you can have an aligned smile you can be proud and excited to show off.

Invisalign consists of a series of clear aligners that are designed to slowly push your teeth into the proper positions. Because they are clear aligners, they are practically invisible, and no one will even be able to tell that you’re straightening your smile. The whole process depends on the severity of your smile but takes an average of 9 to 15 months to complete treatment.

You’ll switch to a new set of aligners every few weeks and you will have to visit your dentist every six weeks to ensure that treatment is progressing as planned. Your dentist will also be able to make any adjustments that are needed during these checkups.

Straighten Your Smile Today!

Give yourself the straightened smile that you’ve always dreamed about! Contact Dr. Maria McMullin at McMullin Dental Care in Monroe, MI, to learn more about how Invisalign can straighten a crooked or misaligned smile. Call to set up a consultation appointment today at (734) 241-5115.

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