Are Dental Implants Right For You?

After tooth loss, choosing the perfect dental restoration is super important and requires special attention. Dental implants in Monroe, MI, are popular for dental restoration, but are they right for you? Your dentist, Dr. Maria McMullin of McMullin Dental Care can help you determine how dental implants can help you.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are surgically placed dental restorations. The dental implant has a metal root for securing it inside your jaw bone. Inert titanium is the metal used in making dental implant roots. So, you're less likely to reject the implant or have adverse reactions to it.

After the jaw bone has healed around the titanium root, a tooth is made to sit on top of it. Dental implants can support a single tooth crown, a dental bridge, and dentures. Once your dental implant is complete, you may care for your implant just like a natural tooth. No need for special cleaning tools, solutions, or glues.

Dental implants in Monroe, MI, help replace missing teeth. If you're missing just one tooth, a few teeth, or your complete dental arch, you may benefit from dental implants.

Dental implants offer numerous benefits such as their natural-looking design, support for jaw bone density, and long lifespan.

Are Dental Implants Right For You?

A dental consultation is the only way to know if dental implants will suit your needs. Your dentist examines your mouth and uses imaging tests to assess your jaw bone density.

If you'd like to know if dental implants in Monroe, MI, are right for you, schedule a dental consultation with your dentist, Dr. McMullin of McMullin Dental Care, by calling (734) 241-5115.

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